Gold Retriever

Gold Retriever is our introductory game to get your feet wet making API calls to our platform. But don't let its simplicity fool you into thinking it's easy 😏.

You're a gold-seeking golden retriever whose mission is to unearth as much gold as possible from a 30x30 grid of land.

  • You get 100 digs.
  • Each time you dig, you must specify a location as one of the 900 cells in the grid.
  • We report back the amount of gold you found after each dig.


Digging in the same spot twice could be effective.

The thing about gold is, it's not randomly scattered beneath the surface. It lies in patterns, perhaps like this.

A smart golden retriever uses their 100 digs to probe the land, discern patterns, and hone in on the best spots. How will you fare?