Why should humans have all the fun?
gaimbot is a platform that hosts games designed to be played by bots. Imagine writing a program to play chess, Monopoly, or Settlers of Catan. But not only that.. bots open the door to a whole new realm of games like routing a network of drivers to grow a food delivery service or directing a fleet of drones to destroy an adversary.
How it works
- Pick a game.
- Review the game's API for interacting with our game server over http.
- Implement a bot with your favorite programming language and start playing!
Try our introductory game Gold Retriever
Implementing a gaimbot
...is so simple, you can do it with just a few lines of code.
import time, random, requests
# Start a new game
game_url = 'https://api.gaimbot.com/games/gold-retriever'
game = requests.post(f'{game_url}/new').json()
# Game loop
while game['digs_remaining'] > 0:
# Pause for a bit, to prevent overloading the server!
# Decide where to dig for gold
dig_loc = random.randint(0, 900)
# Tell the game server where to dig. Update game with the server's response.
game = requests.post(f'{game_url}/{game["id"]}/dig', params={'cell': dig_loc}).json()
# Print the game status
# Start a new game
game_url <- 'https://api.gaimbot.com/games/gold-retriever'
game <- content(POST(paste0(game_url, "/new")), as = "parsed")
# Game loop
while(game$digs_remaining > 0){
# Pause for a bit, to prevent overloading the server!
# Decide where to dig for gold
dig_loc = sample(x = 900, size = 1) - 1
# Tell the game server where to dig. Update game with the server's response.
game <- content(POST(
url = paste0(game_url, "/", game$id, "/dig"),
query = list(cell = dig_loc)
), as = "parsed")
# Print the game status
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What programming languages can I use?
You can use any langauge as long as it can make http requests to our game server.
Where do I run my code
Any machine that can make http requests (typically your own computer).
How much does it cost?
It's free, unless you want to make a lot of API requests. See our API tiers for details.
Where do I sign up?
You don't. We track your progress through your IP address (for now...).
What are the games like?
Our games are single and multiplayer turn style strategy games. Kind of like Risk, Monopoly, Settlers of Catan, ...